Attended my first PTA at Kimberley's kinder yesterday. About half the parents attended. Each were given a box of moon cakes, to celebrate Mid Autumn Festival this weekend.
The teacher gave us a comprehensive list of the kinder's objectives for the children this term. Obedience is a key focus. I can understand that. 2 teachers to care for 35 children for 10 hours a day can drive the most patient crazy. For our shy Kimberley, some of the 'asks' will be daunting.
- 'to start using chopsticks during meals'.
She is having difficulty even with spoon, or to finish a meal on her own!
- 'to salute the teachers at arrival and departure'
A problem. Most of her classmates address the teachers as 'Teacher So-and-So', but our Kimberley addresses them as 'DaJieJie (Big Sister) with glasses' and 'DaJieJie without glasses'
- 'to improve physical coordination'
Kimberley sure can use plenty of those skills
- 'to arrive at 730am for physical exercises before breakfast at 8am'
Perfect score for Kimberley here.
- 'to start learning English'
Our Kimberley speaks, when she speaks, only English to her Dajiejie. Most of the time her Dajiejie doesnt understand her....
- 'to socialise with other classmates'
wondering how the teachers will entice kimberley to that, with language barrier and all that
- 'to clean herself after toilet'
getting there
- 'to learn addition, subtraction, antonyms, synonyms'.
Reminds of 'poetry reading' at her Motesorri in Donvale. Good luck!
All in, I enjoyed the session. The teachers do work hard.