Episode 1 highlighted how our local bank considered Kimmie and Kristine without their middle names as different persons, initially refusing to credit their accounts with foreign funds from a wire transfer.
Episode 2 continues here:
After her foreign fund was finally credited, the next task was to apply for Kimmie's replacement card. We just could not find Kimmie's card. Kristine's was found where it was supposed to be, and kimmie's was supposed to be together.
Searched through all drawers, all folders, and anywhere and everywhere cards and important docs are usually kept, the kids' toy boxes, their bags and wallets.... Did find a Beijing public transport card that we thought we lost, but not Kimmie's bank card. Did discover Grace has 16 handbags in Beijing (more in Melbourne!!)
It was a long 90 minutes wait while the bank manager called to seek advice. Something was wrong. It took too long. He eventually emerged at 530pm from his office, came out to be waiting lobby, greeted us with big smiles, and then apologised profusely he could not 'yet' (dare not is more correct) approve my application for Kimmie's replacement card, because
1. Kimmie now looks different to the photo in her passport,
2. The amount of money just received in her acccount was a lot for a 5 yr old,
3. The bank had no such precedent (replacing a lost card to a alien resident minor whose account suddenly received a sizeable foreign fund)
4. The birth certificate was not familiar to him because local birth certs show parental ID (身份证)numbers as well, whereas Kimmie's cert shows just parental names and places of birth.
Using hand gestures to plead, the manager begged that I 'worked harder' to find the 'lost' card instead. A very constructive innovative suggestion indeed. But that meant he was not suspicious of any plot to swindle the bank, he just didnt want to stick his neck out issuing a replacement card in case Kimmie is not Kimmie. If this Kimmie found her card, his problem solved, no more need to know if Kimmie is indeed Kimmie!!!
Showing up in a bank in t-shirt, shorts, and thongs with long hair does not render my appearance as 'safe-to-stick-my-neck-out-and-issue-new-card-to-his-daughter-who-looks-so-different-to-the-passport-photo' to the manager.
I asked him what I needed to do to prove Kimmie is indeed that Kimmie in her passport and birth cert. He was honest to confess he did not know, as there was no precedent. He suggested getting a local Notary Public (公证,a govt certification bureau) to certify Kimmie's identity and our relationship. My feel is that Notary Public needs to be a DNA expert as well.
I counter suggested getting the Embassy to certify true copies but that didnt fly because he was not sure if that was good enough. It will be funny asking the embassy consular officers to certify that Kimmie's passport is 'real'..... However, I do need to call them and ask how Kimmie's passport photo can be updated.
The bank manager wanted something familiar like a local birth cert, local ID, or something similar that a local notary public cab certify. If the fakes look like real (a counterfeit RMB100 bill we saw at a retail shop looked real, and what about 99% of LV bags out there), and the real look fake (kimmie's passport, birth cert), it will be a daunting task proving real from fake and fake from real. I suppose I can just keep trying different Notary Public until I find one who doesnt care, someone who says 'just pay my fees upfront'.... Or I can try calling one of those mobile numbers peppering public pavements and walls touting 'Needing Certificates (办证) or Proof of Residential Identity (户口)?'。
He promised to find out what other proofs (Kimmie's passport and birth cert are useless by now) he needed from me, and suggested the mother comes along the next visit to the bank branch (maybe I should simply drag a Notary Public along too!). For now, my plan is to ask him to reverse the money out, back to the sender in that foreign bank. Not confident I can get my image erased in his eyes no matter how I dress for the next ocassion. Certainly will not run around town begging for certifications and DNA tests!
That is Another Day of Living in Beijing!
Never a dull moment.
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