The shower that started last night continued into the morning as rain. A relieving change from daily highs of 33degC to 24degC today. I decided to check the local wet market out on this rainy morning, expecting thinned out vendors and customers, but not to be the case. The produce and fruits here are rich in variety, fresh and cheap (dirt cheap). The farmers are most likely locals judging from the modes of transport they bring their produce to the market. The modes of transport are also the reverse indicators of cost pressure on their produce. Most worked in pairs (possibly husband and wife) but I suspect some families would split up and head to different markets individually. I didnt see any teenage children or under-age children minding the businesses with the adults.
My favourite 'youtiao油条, deep fried bread dough‘sells here at RMB2.50 (A$0.40) for 5, compared to RMB6.5 (A$1) each in Melbourne. Krisitne's favourite 'nan' bread costs RMB8 perkg. I bought 2 handful for RMB2, fresh off the pan.
Sorry to disappoint you guys but I didnt find any dog meats. Just the normal pork, poultry, eggs, produce and fruits. The only exotics I found, and bought are a vegetable '黄花 - literally Yellow Flower', which are harvested early in the morning, sold and cooked same day before the petals bloomed, and a honeydew cousin called '香瓜 - literally Fragrant Melon', which the locals prefer to eat with skin and seeds --- wash, then break the melon in halves and chew from from there. FragrantMelons behind donkey in photo; YellowFlower is a flower bud shaped as a baby corn cob, not in photo. Fragrant Melons at RMB1 per kg; Yellow Flower at RMB8 per kg.
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