Bob, the one in burgundy shirt next to me, is a friend of mine who shares similar interests in Western Port Bay: a nice day out amongst the seabreezes, seagulls, and hopefully some nice fish taking our baits. I have known Bob for almost 5 yrs now, since our boat was brand new, when we werent sure how to use it. We met one fateful afternoon at the marina while I cleaned my boat and he was tidying his saliboat next to mine. I got to know him easily through a book he wrote on how boaters and non-boaters alike can enjoy Westernport Bay. I bought the book and he autographed it for me. On the contrary, he didnt get to know me that easily. He confessed during a dinner at his home a fortnight ago that he was worried he was dealing with a 'drug dealer' when he first met me. He described me as a person who 'obviously has some spare money (to own a toy boat yet was not sure how to use)', 'could go out fishing any day in the week', thus his suspicion. Now the boat is no longer expensive after 5 yrs of depreciation, I can now steer the boat as easily as driving my car even alone at night, and he is no longer worried about who I am....
Until recently Bob has been a key writer for a boat magazine. He is now writing another boating book which when completed will be available for download online for a small fee.
His wife Joan, cooked us a fantastic dinner after Bob bbq several King George Whitings as entre, caught that afternoon. Mango Chicken on rice as main course, vanilla ice cream with fresh bluberries for dessert. Plus a white and a red to wash everything down. I was totally spoiled that evening.
Also attached are two photos of whitings Bob and I caught before my move to Beijing.
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