Friday, October 2, 2009

Siberian Tigers

Greetings from North East China.

On day of arrival in Mudanjiang, Kristine scared us with a 37.4degC temp. She is now back to her bubbly self so we took her, Kimmie and their cousin to visit a Siberian Tiger sanctuary in Heng Dao He Zi (横道河子),about 44km from Mudanjiang toward Haerbin direction.

The Sanctuary is the largest of its kind with about 100 Siberian Tigers for public viewing, and another 300 behind the scene.
Basic daily sustenance for each tiger costs Y200, consisting of 8.5kg of beef and a duck, plus whatever they get from tourists feeding them through fences (duck fillets for Y10), or in open safari (live ducks for Y40, or live cows for Y1500). Kristine, Kimmie and their cousin each fed a tiger a piece of duck fillet held on a bamboo stick. We saw a pack of tigers chasing after two ducks in the safari. Rather cruel, but how else to maintain their hunting instinct in captivity. The option of releasing them into the 'wild' will just hasten their extinction, just like the more affadable pandas.

Autumn foliage along the way is beautiful, rivalling the New England states in the US.

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