Another practice not found in Melbourne: milk delivery. After a recent neighbourhood product sampling, Grace decided to order San Yuan (三元)milk for Kristine and Kimberley each morning, supplemented by fresh milk from supermarkets. 2 glass bottles of 200ml milk are delivered to our front door each morning around 630am. Kristine finds drinking fresh milk directly from a glass bottle through a straw fun and it has become her after-school drink, but Kimberley still prefers her milk in a milk bottle with teat, on a coach in front of Nickelodeon in the morning or in her bed with Grace reading her nighttime stories.....
Photo taken from 6 floors up, shows how the milk gets delivered.
On trial for a month. To replace my supermarket milk runs completely, we need 6 bottles each day. The lockable milk box they installed at our front door can only hold 3.... One drawback from this convenience: the delivery guy ring our lobby door bell even on weekends, leaving no scope for sleeping in.
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