We joined Auntie Vivien and 36 of her troops on a weekend stay at Lertao on July 24/25. The place is by the sea in Qinhuangdao city in Hebei Province some 300km ENE of Beijing, about 4.5hrs away by coach bus. The park is a privately operated amusement park capitalising on the lack of Disneys within several thousand kms. Its main attraction is a sealion and dolphine show, doing basic stunts but entertaining nevertheless.
For a hot summer afternoon, the water park was attractive to the kids and many adults in swimsuits. Kristine and Kimberley, together with Scarlet and Xuno spent the most time here. It got chilly towards late afternoon. Much shivering and may purple lips.
By evening, the crowd had dispersed, the beach was empty. The sand is soft, but the water was dirty and beach littered with rubbish. 26,000 people came through the turnstile that day. It was an overly crowded place.
Overnight stay was at a beachside cabin inside the amusement park boundary. Space-wise, each cabin looks more like a hotel toom in Tokyo, except the quality furnishing (in fact very poor furnishing). Erected 10m from the rock embankment, the cabins had panoramic view of the sea littered with cargo ships anchored in front of Qinhuangdao harbour.
We were greeted by a severe thunderstorm that night. While Grace and kids shared a double bed, I had the upper bunk with 0,5m clearance from the ceiling. When the rain pelted the roof, it felt like sleeping under an umbrella, and thunder was just an earshot away. It wasnt until the next morning when we realised the whole cabin compound had no lightning rods. Lucky, but never again! Quality of the park is reflected by the quality of lifesaving boat in the photo!!!
Sunday was a rainy day so the attention all went to those shows under shelter. Kids had great fun. Worth re-visiting? Na!
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