Sunday morning was Kristine's first Taekwando lesson, at the clubhouse just 50m from our home. From Kristine's posture and movements, I think she is more suited to ballet than Taekwando, but some martial art is good for her later on in life.
Her teacher is a gentle looking lady, until we saw her beat a boy on his hand for not following her instruction correctly. I mentioned to Grace that Kylie's piano teacher in Singapore used to tap Kylie's finger with a ruler whenever Kylie was not not doing her paino correctly. A parent sitting next to Grace turned his head to look at me with disbelief.
The highlight of Kristine's first lesson was sitting up exercise. Her teacher wanted Kristine to do 10 repeats. She could only muster 6. Her 7th was with help of both hands propping up on the floor.....
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