Monday, March 30, 2009

More Blood Test

Kristine returned to Beijing Children Hospital on Saturday to do another blood test. Prior to that, we had sushi at The Place (世贸天阶),chosen by Kristine as her reward for a week's almost perfect (she missed out on a morning's teethbrushing) score in executing her morning timely chores.

Her white blood cell count is down to 8.5 (normal 4.0-10.0). Much better than 16.5 last Tuesday when she had her drips. She saw the same lady doctor who was a lot more attentive and detailed than the first male doctor she saw on tuesday, but then again, what do you expect for Y5 of consultantation fee per visit? Seriously, we felt a lot more confident with this lady doctor.
When we first arrived at the hospital, we were supposed to check in at the front desk, and upon determining Kristine's blood test was not urgent, she was given a queue number in 'normal' clinic, rather than the 'emergency' (very loosely defined in my opinion: when Kristine had stomach pain on Tuesday, that was classified as 'emergency'. Her second visit the next day (to receive another dose of antibiotics via drips) was also classified as 'emergency'. Her third, this past Saturday, was classified non-emergency. Kristine was #40 in the queue, so Grace went back to front desk, asked for 'emergency' queue, paid twice the fee (from Y5 to Y10), and Kristine went back to see the lady doctor she saw on her second visit, within 15 mins. With prescription in hand (Y45 extra), we took kristine to her blood test which was very fast.

Getting home was a very leisurely stroll along Yabao Lu to Chaoyang Menwai Dajie, caught an electric bus and home in 20 mins. A young lady gave up her seat for kimberley but she and Kristine could not sit still for long. We stopped by Huatang and got them a Happy Meal. With that, they stayed home and watch a bit of Nickelodeon on TV while Grace and I strolled out to look for dinner. The first Hunan restaurant I chose had been closed for business. We looked at a Sichuan Spicy Pot, gave that a miss, than another ChongQing Baked Fish, also gave that a miss. Finally, we walked into a Korean. Y75 for three dishes. Enjoyable. We took kristine and kimberley there again the next day for dinner!

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